Sunday, June 2, 2013

Surprise Surprise I Found Them on the 1940 Census

Monday, April 2, 2012
I decided to try the 1940 Census tonight. Hopefully things would have slowed down some since this morning.  I found that FamilySearch had the state of Kansas online so I decided to look for my father, grandfather, grandmother and also my great-grandfather all who were living in Kansas City.


No words can express how grateful I am for the website.  The journey in locating these family members was made very easy with the help of this site.  I was able to locate my great-grandfather [William McLeod]  after just viewing 17 of the 38 images for the ED group I was told to look at after filling in the blanks on the website.  Looking at the map feature on the website helped in adding all the streets listed around where the house was.

I found my father [George], grandfather [Arthur Cofrank] and grandmother [Theresa Cofrank] on another ED that I was shown.  My grandfather Arthur Cofrank was #14 which means he fell in that spot where extra questions were asked.  Of
course the answer to these questions were not correct, but that was no surprise.  Maybe my grandmother answered the questions or it might have been my grandfather but he didn't want anyone to ask about his past so he would make up different answers.